This is another episode from our coverage of the Barcamp Open Science. In this episode Konrad talked with Bianca Kramer from the Utrecht University Library about the session she held at the barcamp. In her session Bianca provided a hands on experience on a new OpenCitations Index – CROCI, the Crowdsourced Open Citations Index – and discussed several aspects of it with the session participants.
Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Bianca Kramer
OSR081 Wrap-Up Open Science Barcamp and Conference 2017 #oscibar #osc2017 [EN]
As you have recognized, Open Science Radio was attending this year’s Barcamp Open Science as well as the Open Science Conference. This episode is a wrap-up together with Guido Scherp, one of the organizers (you’ll know him by now). Guido is providing his impressions from the two events, we share ours and discuss a few things in general, as well as a few of the talks in more detail (this year we caught a few quotes).
OSR076 Open Science Education #oscibar [EN]
Bianca Kramer and Jeroen Bosman are probably well-known in the Open Science scene, especially from their work on the Innovations in Scholarly Communications project. During the barcamp they presented their 1-week summer school course on Open Science and Open Scholarship and were involved in the Open Science MOOC idea initiated by Jon Tennant.