This is another episode from our coverage of the Barcamp Open Science 2019. In this episode Bernd talks Christian Busse, scientist at the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ). Christian has hosted a session on federated databases which possibly is a more sustainable way of hosting and providing of scientific data.
OSR143 Participatory Research Challenges #oscibar [EN]
This is another episode from our coverage of the Barcamp Open Science 2019. In this episode Bernd talks with Claudia Göbel (Claudia on Twitter). Besides having given this year’s ignition talk „Participatory Research: Extending Open Science beyond the ivory tower“, Claudia has also hosted a session on challenges that participatory research faces.
OSR142 Does Open Science need a Open Source search engine? #oscibar [EN]
This is another episode from our coverage of the Barcamp Open Science. In this episode Konrad talks with Christian Pietsch about the session he held at the barcamp, discussing the BASE search engine (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine). Listen in to Christian’s summary and impression of the session.
OSR141 Welcome and Introduction Barcamp Open Science 2019 #oscibar [EN]
As usual: March is here and the Open Science Radio is again (for the fifth time) supporting the Barcamp Open Science in documenting the event with our recordings. And we are lucky again to have support from fellow Open Science Enthusiasts who will support us in doing the recordings. This year we are happy to have Christina Riesenweber back on the show and Bernd Rupp from the Wirkstoffradio Podcast . This short episode will give a you a quick welcome and introduction. More episodes to come, so stay tuned! Enjoy!
OSR140 de-RSE Association and Conference for Research Software Engineers in Germany [EN]
In a joint effort of a group of research software enthusiasts, the association de-RSE e.V. – Gesellschaft für Forschungssoftware was founded in late November 2018. It seeks to provide a new home to the German community of Research Software Engineers and a first major effort is the organization of the deRSE19 – Conference for Research Software Engineers in Germany. We had the pleasure to talk to Carina Haupt and Stephan Druskat about the research software engineer’s profile, the de-RSE association as well as the deRSE19 conference.
OSR139 WikiCite 2018 – Recap with Daniel [EN]
As in the last 2 years, Konrad visited the WikiCite event again and took the opportunity to do a couple of interviews with participants.
„WikiCite 2018 is a 3-day conference, summit, and hack day dedicated to the vision of creating an open repository of bibliographic data to support the citation and fact-checking needs of Wikimedia projects, and possibly, to serve as an open infrastructure for research, education, and information quality across the web.“
In this interview Konrad is recapping with Daniel Mietchen. Enjoy!