According to dictionaries „101“ refers to introductory lessons or beginners overview or tutorials. Over the course of this podcast we already have taken this approach a couple of time (e.g. on Open Access). But as technology and processes develop, might be useful to do this again from time to time. This time we want to take a brief look at the whole research cycle and try to provide a bit of information about a few general entry points for doing research more openly. This 101 is by far not exhaustive and makes no claim to be complete, but our aim was to show you some starting points from where you could dive deeper into the matter if you like. Have fun!
Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Altmetrics
OSR081 Wrap-Up Open Science Barcamp and Conference 2017 #oscibar #osc2017 [EN]
As you have recognized, Open Science Radio was attending this year’s Barcamp Open Science as well as the Open Science Conference. This episode is a wrap-up together with Guido Scherp, one of the organizers (you’ll know him by now). Guido is providing his impressions from the two events, we share ours and discuss a few things in general, as well as a few of the talks in more detail (this year we caught a few quotes).
OSR075 OpenUp Project #oscibar [EN]
OpenUp is a Horizon 2020 funded project that seeks „to come up with a cohesive framework for the review-disseminate-assess phases of the research life cycle that is fit to support and promote Open Science.“ Michela Vignoli was so nice to give us a bit of background of the project and a few of her impressions from the barcamp session on Altmetrics (a topic which is one of the main topics of OpenUp).
OSR058 PLOScast [EN]
Pretty much everybody with a background in research knows PLOS, either through its mega journal PLOS ONE (most probably the biggest OA journal), or one of its other journals. However, it was kind of surprising to us when we recognized a while ago that there is also a PLOS podcast, the PLOScast. This podcast, being public for a year now, offers more than a dozen episodes so far, each being an interview with some very interesting guests – some of them well-known all over the place, such as Cameron Neylon, Matt Shipman,Geoffrey Bilder and many more. We got the wonderful opportunity to talk to Elizabeth Seiver, the host of the PLOScast (and herself being a meta researcher at PLOS with a psychology background) and Jennifer Laloup, the producer of the show. We talked about how PLOScast came to life and how they have been able to constantly grow it. We also share some of our own history and experience. We can absolutely recommend to give the PLOScast a thorough listen and we hope that there will be many more episodes to come. Hopefully, this episode is as interesting for you, as it was for us. Thanks Elizabeth and Jen! And now, enjoy!
OSR056 Kurzer Blick auf die News im Juli
Eigentlich war eine Episode mit Gast geplant, der aber leider verhindert war. Wir haben die Zeit also genutzt um nach längerer Zeit mal wieder in die News zu schauen. Und da nichts älter ist, als die Nachrichten von gestern haben wir uns auf die aktuelleren Neuigkeiten beschränkt (was sich als ganz gut herausstellte, da Probleme mit dem Netz ihr Übriges taten um uns das Leben zu erschweren). Viel Spaß also beim kurzen News-Roundup Mitte Juli!
OSR034 Konzentrische Infografikreise aus der Interface-Hölle
Dieses Mal haben wir nach gar nicht allzu langer Zeit wieder zusammengefunden, und so ist die Anzahl an News auch noch einigermaßen überschaubar. Das hat uns natürlich an der ein oder anderen Stelle nicht davon abgehalten auch wieder ordentlich abzuschweifen. Thematisch gibt’s viel aus der Richtung Peer Review, einige Infografiken, das üblich verdiente Kopfschütteln über Elsevier und den Impact Factor sowie die Erkenntnis, dass womöglich Interface Designer eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Verbreitung von Open Science haben könnten. Viel Spaß!