At the Open Science Conference’s poster session, Martyn Rittman (Editor at MDPI Open Access Publishers and director of presented a poster about his research on preprint servers. He was so kind to share his insights with us in a short interview.
Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0
OSR081 Wrap-Up Open Science Barcamp and Conference 2017 #oscibar #osc2017 [EN]
As you have recognized, Open Science Radio was attending this year’s Barcamp Open Science as well as the Open Science Conference. This episode is a wrap-up together with Guido Scherp, one of the organizers (you’ll know him by now). Guido is providing his impressions from the two events, we share ours and discuss a few things in general, as well as a few of the talks in more detail (this year we caught a few quotes).
OSR080 DeepGreen – Open Access Transformation for German Science (Poster Session) #osc2017 [EN]
DFG-funded research usually is provided with a (nationwide) negotiated license called Allianz-Lizenz which contains special Open-Access regulations that allows the OA publication of research results after a certain embargo period. However, experience shows that the authors (or their instiutional representatives) hardly ever make use of these Open Access rights, often due the related required efforts. The DeepGreen project aims to make the transformation to Open Access repositories easy to use on a technical level and automatic (if possible). At this poster session Julia Goltz from the Cooperative Network of Berlin and Brandenburg Libraries (KOBV) provides some insight to the project.
OSR079 Opening reproducible research (Poster Session) #osc2017 [EN]
As reproducibility becomes more and more important, one of the main challenges is to support it by making it easier and more accessible. Starting in the domain of geosciences, the DFG-funded project Opening Reproducible Research aims to improve the access to research results that are published over the Internet, and seeks to simplify their reuse in the form of a research compendium. At this poster session Markus Konkol from the Institute of Geoinformatics at WWU Münster provides some insight to the project.
OSR078 Continuous quality control for research data (Poster Session) #osc2017 [EN]
One of the important issues in an institutional setting nowadays is, to guarantee reproducibility and quality control during the research process and across the entire data lifecycle. The DFG-funded project CONQUAIRE – Continuous Quality Control for Research Data to Ensure Reproducibility focuses exactly on these tasks. At this poster session Vidya Ayer from the Semantic Computing Group at Bielefeld University provides a short introduction to the project and its main aspects.
OSR063 Open Science Barcamp and Conference 2017 #oscibar #osc2017 [EN]
Open Science Radio is happy to attend this year’s Barcamp Open Science as well as the Open Science Conference. As in 2016 we’ve been kindly ask to participate and help documenting the events with our recordings. In order to provide you with a bit of background about this two events and this year’s focus, we’ve invited one of the organizers, Guido Scherp, to give us a rundown what we can expect. Especially with the Barcamp probably becoming more international this year, we are absolutely looking forward to meet some interesting people their and we would be glad to meet some of you there too. Registrations are still open, and hopefully this episode can give you some reason to attend too! Enjoy!
Update: in between yesterday’s recording and today’s publishing of this episode, the conference sold out!