At the Barcamp Open Science 2021 Konrad had the chance to have a brief session wrap-up with Peter Kraker, who hosted a session together with Michaela Vignolio on Open Knowledge Maps Custom Services to discuss early ideas for the new customisable cloud services that were planned to be embedded in libraries’ discovery services to add instant visual capabilities.
By the way, at the time of publication of this interview, the custom services are available as a feature for members.
AND: Open Knowledge Maps just hit the milestone of 1,000,000 Knowledge Maps! Congrats Peter and the team!
One of the aspects that continuously pops up in our discussions is the research infrastructure. Hence, it was about time that we make it a topic of its own and we’re glad that we could win Peter Kraker as a guest for this topic. Peter is well-known in the Open Science communicator, as a researcher but also as the founder and chairman of Open Knowledge Maps, a web-service that provides a visual interface for the exploration of scientific topics through publications. In addition, he is active in several organizations and initiatives dealing with research infrastructure and research data management, such as GO FAIR. With the launch of Google’s dataset search service last year he started the Don’t leave it to Google! campaign. In this episode we’re talking about the campaign, the overarching concept of research architectures and the Open Knowledge Maps as a specific example.
Have fun!
Die Dynamik der Ereignisse der letzten Woche haben dieser Episode ganz ungeplant einen Schwerpunkt auf das Thema Open Access aufgedrückt. Aber ein paar Tools haben wir auch noch im Gepäck. Viel Spaß!
Eigentlich war eine Episode mit Gast geplant, der aber leider verhindert war. Wir haben die Zeit also genutzt um nach längerer Zeit mal wieder in die News zu schauen. Und da nichts älter ist, als die Nachrichten von gestern haben wir uns auf die aktuelleren Neuigkeiten beschränkt (was sich als ganz gut herausstellte, da Probleme mit dem Netz ihr Übriges taten um uns das Leben zu erschweren). Viel Spaß also beim kurzen News-Roundup Mitte Juli!