Nach scheinbar ewig langer Zeit gibt’s mal wieder eine „Classic“ Episode, denn wir haben es mal wieder geschafft und ins klassischer Besetzung zusammenzufinden. Inhaltlich gibt’s wenige Überraschungen – wir blicken auf die Ereignisse rund um die DEAL-Verhandlungen, bzw. die ersten Ergebnisse, zurück sowie auf den Stand beim Open Science Monitor und der Beteiligung von Elsevier. Daneben gibt es noch ein paar kleinere Themen, einen kurzen Einblick von Konrad in die Aktivitäten beim ZB MED sowie im Nachtrag noch ein kurzes Stellenangebot.
Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Open Science Monitor
OSR126 Dinosaurs, Scholarly Publishing and Open Science Education with Jon Tennant [ENG]
In this episode we had the great opportunity to talk to Jon Tennant, a fairly well-known Open Science advocate with many hats and even more projects. We talked to him about what drove him to Open Science, how it came about that he wore some of these hats and about his most recent (and community-driven) project, the Open Science MOOC. Jon has a thing with dinosaurs – be it the extinct species or legacy publishers in the academic world. And one thing became clear: he’s doing something about it.
OSR081 Wrap-Up Open Science Barcamp and Conference 2017 #oscibar #osc2017 [EN]
As you have recognized, Open Science Radio was attending this year’s Barcamp Open Science as well as the Open Science Conference. This episode is a wrap-up together with Guido Scherp, one of the organizers (you’ll know him by now). Guido is providing his impressions from the two events, we share ours and discuss a few things in general, as well as a few of the talks in more detail (this year we caught a few quotes).