Im Rahmen unserer kleinen Reihe zum Fellow-Programm Freies Wissen – dem Gemeinschaftsprojekt von Wikimedia Deutschland, Stifterverband, VolkswagenStiftung (und weiteren Unterstützern) – widmen wir uns erneut der Perspektive der Fellows. Dazu begrüßen wir Jona Sassenhagen als Gast, der im noch laufenden 3. Programmjahr gemeinsam mit zwei Kollegen ein Projekt zur Erstellung eines Online-Methodenhandbuchs vorantreibt. Wir reden über seinen Weg zum Fellow-Programm, sein Projekt und mäandern hier und da durch verwandte Themen. Vielen Dank an Jona, aber auch an Sarah Behrens und Christopher Schwarzkopf für den Kontakt hinter den Kulissen!
Viel Spaß!
Software Carpentry is an initiative that has already been mentioned in various Open Science Radio episodes. From 1998 it has ventured out in order to teach scientists how to teach other scientists how to program software that helps them in their daily work with scientific (data) analysis. The community-driven project is a unique one and it was about time that we dip into their activities. Luckily we don’t need to do that alone but are honored that Greg Wilson, the co-founder of Software Carpentry, has freed up some of his time to give us an introduction and answer some of our questions. In addition, it is quite convenient that Konrad already has gained some experience with Software Carpentry himself. We hope this episode provides a small introduction to this great initiative and maybe encourages someone of you to participate and support it. Besides, we strongly recommend that you take some time and have a look at the material yourself. Enjoy!