Felix Schönbrodt of LMU Munich just gave an ignition talk at the Barcamp Science 2.0 to stimulate some ideas and ground for debate during the rest of the day.
Putting Open Science into practice: Simple but powerful steps for researchers, universities, and journals
Even if I embrace the values of research transparency – where should I begin? How can I move my institution a little towards openness? This short talk highlights some recent developments and practical examples that enable researchers and institutions to put Open Science into practice.
We took the opportunity after his talk to have a little chat.
The Open Science Radio will attend this year’s Barcamp Science 2.0 and the Science 2.0 Conference (at least day 1 of 2) in Cologne. We will use this great opportunity to record and publish a few special episodes dedicated to these events and the related topics.
This year’s edition of the barcamp (#s20bar), taking place on the 2nd of May, will focus on the topic „Putting Science 2.0 and Open Science into practice!“ and addresses all people interested in open science – junior scientists, senior researchers, practicioners and also interested non-professionals. The interactive barcamp format will be a good opportunity to meet members of the community and take active participation in the fruitful discussions.
The conference (#s20conf), taking place on the 3rd and 4th of May, will mainly focus on the European Open Science Cloud and the many (open) questions around it. This classical academic conference format will give researchers, policy makers and publishers a good opportunity to get interesting insights on the European level of open science. Furthermore, it is the final conference of the EEXCESS project and participants will be shown concrete scenarios and applications developed by this EU project.
In order to get a good introduction to both events and topics, we’ve invited one of the organizers, Guido Scherp, to join us in this episode and provide us with a brief overview what participants can expect from the 2 events. Since registrations are still open, Guido warmly invites all interested people to join either (or both) of the events.
Have fun!