OSR138 WikiCite 2018 – Interview with Finn [EN]

As in the last 2 years, Konrad visited the WikiCite event again and took the opportunity to do a couple of interviews with participants.

„WikiCite 2018 is a 3-day conference, summit, and hack day dedicated to the vision of creating an open repository of bibliographic data to support the citation and fact-checking needs of Wikimedia projects, and possibly, to serve as an open infrastructure for research, education, and information quality across the web.“

This interview is with Finn Årup Nielsen about the Scholia, a tool to handle scientific bibliographic information through Wikidata. Enjoy!

OSR137 WikiCite 2018 – Interview with Pete and Lane [EN]

As in the last 2 years, Konrad visited the WikiCite event again and took the opportunity to do a couple of interviews with participants.

„WikiCite 2018 is a 3-day conference, summit, and hack day dedicated to the vision of creating an open repository of bibliographic data to support the citation and fact-checking needs of Wikimedia projects, and possibly, to serve as an open infrastructure for research, education, and information quality across the web.“

This interview is with Pete Forsyth and Lane Rasberry about the project Newspapers on Wikipedia, dealing with how the information in newspapers can be found, harvested, used and properly cited in Wikipedia. Enjoy!

OSR136 WikiCite 2018 – Interview with Gimena [EN]

As in the last 2 years, Konrad visited the WikiCite event again and took the opportunity to do a couple of interviews with participants.

„WikiCite 2018 is a 3-day conference, summit, and hack day dedicated to the vision of creating an open repository of bibliographic data to support the citation and fact-checking needs of Wikimedia projects, and possibly, to serve as an open infrastructure for research, education, and information quality across the web.“

This is another interview with Gimena del Rio Riande from Argentina about another project that focuses on workflows for the harvest and use of date- and author-related information from digitalized texts of a literary corpus. Enjoy!

OSR135 WikiCite 2018 – Interview with Paula and Gimena [EN]

As in the last 2 years, Konrad visited the WikiCite event again and took the opportunity to do a couple of interviews with participants.

„WikiCite 2018 is a 3-day conference, summit, and hack day dedicated to the vision of creating an open repository of bibliographic data to support the citation and fact-checking needs of Wikimedia projects, and possibly, to serve as an open infrastructure for research, education, and information quality across the web.“

This interview is with Paula Domínguez Font from Uruguay and Gimena del Rio Riande from Argentina about the projects they are contributing to. Enjoy!

OSR134 WikiCite 2018 – Enjoy the Community [EN]

As in the last 2 years, Konrad visited the WikiCite event again and took the opportunity to do a couple of interviews with participants.

„WikiCite 2018 is a 3-day conference, summit, and hack day dedicated to the vision of creating an open repository of bibliographic data to support the citation and fact-checking needs of Wikimedia projects, and possibly, to serve as an open infrastructure for research, education, and information quality across the web.“

WikiCite draws a quite a diverse crowd, so this episodes gives a number of voices from the „event floor“. After a short introduction to the idea behind the event you’ll be introduced to quite a number of participants sharing their background and motivation to take part in WikiCite 2018. And if you ever wandered what goes on in a hackathon, you’ll hear about it too as Konrad interviewed some of the participants from the hackathon at day 3. Enjoy!

OSR133 Lambert Heller vom Open Science Lab der TIB [DE]

Den meisten Menschen die sich, vor allem Deutschland, mit dem Themenkomplex Open Science beschäftigen, dürfte Lambert Heller in den letzten Jahren mehrfach über den Weg gelaufen sein. Mit seinem institutionellem Anker in der Technischen Informationsbibliothek (TIB) ist Lambert ein extrem umtriebiges und aktives Mitglied der Bibliotheksszene wie auch der Open Science Community. Von daher war es schon lange überfällig (und ebenso lange geplant), dass wir uns mal ein wenig Zeit nehmen und mit ihm über seinen Werdegang, seinen Job als Leiter des Open Science Lab an der TIB und die damit verbundenen Projekte sowie seine vielseitigen sonstigen Aktivitäten unterhalten.

Die Episode ist leider deutlich zeitversetzt zur Aufnahme veröffentlicht, daher sind alle zeitlichen Angaben relativ.

Viel Spaß!