OSR126 Dinosaurs, Scholarly Publishing and Open Science Education with Jon Tennant [ENG]

In this episode we had the great opportunity to talk to Jon Tennant, a fairly well-known Open Science advocate with many hats and even more projects. We talked to him about what drove him to Open Science, how it came about that he wore some of these hats and about his most recent (and community-driven) project, the Open Science MOOC. Jon has a thing with dinosaurs – be it the extinct species or legacy publishers in the academic world. And one thing became clear: he’s doing something about it.

OSR125 Die kleine Antwort zur kleinen Anfrage, und mehr aus der Infrastrukturhölle [DE]

Zur Abwechslung haben wir uns mal wieder zu einer „klassischen“ News-Episode zusammengefunden und diskutieren ein paar grundlegende Nachrichten (News kann man meist schon nicht mehr wirklich sagen). Es geht, wie so oft in letzter Zeit, um Verhandlungen mit und die Rolle von klassischen Verlagshäusern, das (politische) Bekenntnis zu Open Access und Open Science sowie um allerlei infrastrukturbezogene Themen.

OSR124 Open Science Center at LMU Munich [EN]

Over the last couple of years, a number of people at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich have relentlessly (in a good way) been pushing open science efforts. Be it in the form of incorporating open science badges, signing open initiatives, or the foundation of an Open Science Committee at LMU, there has been a lot of activity in a very desireable direction.

These activities have finally led to an even more manifest joint effort, the foundation of the Open Science Center at LMU. We had the great pleasure to talk to Anne-Laure Boulesteix and Felix Schönbrodt about how the foundation came about, its self-conception, its mission and the services it can offer to researchers at the LMU and maybe even beyond.


OSR123 Changing incentive structures to foster the actual sharing rate of open data (Talk #osc2018) [EN]

If you’ve been listening to us for a while you have probably already heard about Felix Schönbrodt, as we have mentioned him in a number of episodes talking about projects he was involved in and a number of talks, e.g. his lighting talk at the 2016 Barcamp Science 2.0 or his recent talk at the Open Science Conference 2018. Felix is a principal investigator for Psychological Methods and Assessment at the Department of Psychology, and moreover, he is an absolute Open Science enthusiast.

As we mentioned in our wrap-up episode for this year’s Barcamp Open Science and Open Science Conference, we found Felix’s conference talk really insightful, so it is our pleasure to provide it to you with kind permission from Felix and hope that you find it equally enlightening and motivating.

If you wanna closely follow his presentation including his slides, please use the video embedded into the blogpost for this episode or his slides linked in they the Open Science Conference programme.


OSR122 Wrap-Up Open Science Barcamp and Conference 2018 #oscibar #osc2018 [EN]

As you have recognized, Open Science Radio was again attending the Barcamp Open Science as well as the Open Science Conference. This episode is a wrap-up of the 2018 run of those two (related) events, again together with Guido Scherp, one of the organizers (you’ll know him by now). Guido is providing his impressions from the two events, we share ours and discuss a few things in general, as well as a few of the talks in more detail.

And now, have fun!

OSR121 Fellow-Programm: Katja Mayer und Peer Herholz #WMDE [DE]

Im Rahmen unserer kleinen Reihe zum Fellow-Programm Freies Wissen – dem Gemeinschaftsprojekt von Wikimedia Deutschland, Stifterverband, VolkswagenStiftung (und weiteren Unterstützern) – widmen wir uns in einer dritten Episode weiterhin der Innenansicht des Programms. Dazu haben wir uns wieder einen Fellow und eine Mentorin eingeladen, um von ihren Projekten, aber auch ihren Erfahrungen zu berichten. Zu Gast sind Mentorin Katja Mayer und Fellow Peer Herholz, der mit seinem Projekt ALPACA einen Beitrag zur (automatischen) Kennzeichnung und Funktionslokalisierung des auditiven Cortex leisten will. Vielen Dank an die Beteiligten, aber auch an Sarah Behrens und Christopher Schwarzkopf für den Kontakt hinter den Kulissen!

Hinweis: Wikimedia hat vor kurzem bekanntgegeben das Fellow-Programm auch 2018/2019 fortzuführen, die Bewerbungsphase ist jetzt bis zum 15. Mai geöffnet! Weitere Infos zur Bewerbung finden sich auf der Wikiversity-Seite.

Und nun, viel Spaß!