Andreas Leimbach offered another #s20bar session about „Tools for Open Science“. We took the chance to talk to him afterwards about how his session went.
Alle Artikel mit dem Schlagwort: Barcamp Science 2.0
OSR046 Infrastructure for Open Science #s20bar DE
Johanna Puhl hat auf dem #s20bar eine Session zum Thema „Infrastructure for Open Science“ moderiert und wir haben sie anschließend nach ihrem Eindruck befragt.
OSR044 Wikipedia and Wikidata als Workbench für die Wissenschaft #s20bar DE
Wir haben uns mit Lambert Heller unterhalten, der hier auf dem #s20bar eine Session zu Wikipedia und Wikidata als Workbench für die Wissenschaft gehalten hat. Hier ist seine kurze Zusammenfassung der Session.
OSR043 Incentives for Open Science #s20bar [EN]
We met Marcel Ackermann of the Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz Center for Informatics who just moderated a session at #s20bar about incentives for open science. Have a listen how he summarizes the session.
OSR042 Pre-registration within the Publication Process #s20bar [EN]
Johannes Breuer (Twitter) just moderated a #s20bar session about pre-registration for publications, a concept for a 2-step-publications process that is already in use with some journals. The idea behind it is to submit your idea and methodology in a first step and when accepted do the data collection and analysis.
We asked him for a short summary.
OSR041 Ignition Talk by Felix Schönbrodt: Putting Open Science into Practice #s20bar [EN]
Felix Schönbrodt of LMU Munich just gave an ignition talk at the Barcamp Science 2.0 to stimulate some ideas and ground for debate during the rest of the day.
Putting Open Science into practice: Simple but powerful steps for researchers, universities, and journals
Even if I embrace the values of research transparency – where should I begin? How can I move my institution a little towards openness? This short talk highlights some recent developments and practical examples that enable researchers and institutions to put Open Science into practice.
We took the opportunity after his talk to have a little chat.