Open Science Radio is happy to attend this year’s Barcamp Open Science as well as the Open Science Conference. As in 2016 we’ve been kindly ask to participate and help documenting the events with our recordings. In order to provide you with a bit of background about this two events and this year’s focus, we’ve invited one of the organizers, Guido Scherp, to give us a rundown what we can expect. Especially with the Barcamp probably becoming more international this year, we are absolutely looking forward to meet some interesting people their and we would be glad to meet some of you there too. Registrations are still open, and hopefully this episode can give you some reason to attend too! Enjoy!
Update: in between yesterday’s recording and today’s publishing of this episode, the conference sold out!
Wir eröffnen das Jahr ganz klassisch mit einem Blick auf die News der letzten Wochen. Die Neuigkeiten werden leider von einer Reihe wenig positiver Entwicklungen überschattet, aber hey, so ist das nun einmal. Man muss durch die Nacht wandern, wenn man die Morgenröte sehen will (5 EUR für’s Phrasenschwein). Wir haben ein wenig Verzug im Beginn der Aufzeichnung gehabt, sodass wir nach hinten raus ein wenig hasten mussten und einige Themen weggelassen haben – wir bitten das zu entschuldigen. Ansonsten, viel Spaß!
Das Verfahren des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren in seinen Grundzügen nicht maßgeblich verändert. Was sich allerdings erheblich verändert hat ist das Angebot an unterschiedlichen Tools die uns heutzutage für das Verfassen und Veröffentlichen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten zur Verfügung stehen. Gemeinsam mit Katrin vom KonScience Podcast werfen wir einen Blick in die Werkzeugkiste und schauen wie der moderne Prozess rund ums Schreiben aussehen kann. Und ja, wir sprechen erst einmal nur über die Tools für den Publikationsprozess wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten und lassen die Publikation von Daten erst einmal außen vor. Das soll an anderer Stelle dann Thema sein. Viel Spaß beim Hören!
As you certainly have recognized, we have published a couple of short episodes from the Barcamp Science 2.0, the event organized by the Leibniz Research Alliance Science 2.0 in connection to their annual Science 2.0 conference. This episode is a short wrap-up together with Guido Scherp, one of the organizers of the Barcamp (you know him from episode 40 already). Guido is providing his impressions from the two events, we share ours and discuss a few things.
The Open Science Radio will attend this year’s Barcamp Science 2.0 and the Science 2.0 Conference (at least day 1 of 2) in Cologne. We will use this great opportunity to record and publish a few special episodes dedicated to these events and the related topics.
This year’s edition of the barcamp (#s20bar), taking place on the 2nd of May, will focus on the topic „Putting Science 2.0 and Open Science into practice!“ and addresses all people interested in open science – junior scientists, senior researchers, practicioners and also interested non-professionals. The interactive barcamp format will be a good opportunity to meet members of the community and take active participation in the fruitful discussions.
The conference (#s20conf), taking place on the 3rd and 4th of May, will mainly focus on the European Open Science Cloud and the many (open) questions around it. This classical academic conference format will give researchers, policy makers and publishers a good opportunity to get interesting insights on the European level of open science. Furthermore, it is the final conference of the EEXCESS project and participants will be shown concrete scenarios and applications developed by this EU project.
In order to get a good introduction to both events and topics, we’ve invited one of the organizers, Guido Scherp, to join us in this episode and provide us with a brief overview what participants can expect from the 2 events. Since registrations are still open, Guido warmly invites all interested people to join either (or both) of the events.
Have fun!